Friday, November 22, 2013

Language Activity: Prepositions and Turkey Song!

Go to the following link to make a fun craft that is manipulated according to directions given in the turkey song (Sung just like, "Farmer in the Dell") Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

sorting activity directions

Thanksgiving food sorting activity

Cut out the attached pictures and try the activities that I have checked below:


Have your child name the pictures that you show him/her.


Ask your child, “what do you do with a ____”

Encourage your child to say longer sentences.  For example,if they say, “eat”, say “yes, we eat turkey. Can you say, I eat turkey.”


Ask your child, “where can you find a ___”

Encourage your child to say longer sentences.  For example,if they say, “closet”, say “yes, your pants are in the closet. Can you say, in the closet.”


Sort the pictures into 3 separate piles. Use category words, say “let’s put all the foods in this pile, all the furniture in this pile and all the clothes in this pile.  After they are sorted ask your child, “what is the name of this group”?


Place 4 pictures in front of your child (3 from one group and one that is not a member of the group).  Ask, “which one does not belong”? Why?


Name another member of the group (can you think of another food we might eat for Thanksgiving?)


Ask how two pictures are similar (how are pants and shirt alike?  (they are both types of clothing)


Ask how two pictures are different (how are green beans and pants different?)





Ask your child yes/no questions about the picture.  Is this                a turkey?  Do we eat turkey?  Do you wear a turkey on your head?


Place 4 pictures in front of your child and ask him/her to point to the one you name.


Place 4 pictures in front of your child and ask him/her to point to 2 in a row (point to the pants and the turkey)


Place 4 pictures in front of your child and ask him/her to point to the one you describe (point to the food that is green)


If you would like colored pictures, visit the blog page at

thanksgiving food, furniture, clothing sorting activity pictures

Friday, November 1, 2013

Practice the /s/ sound!

Use this video to learn how to help your child learn the /s/ sound. You can also let your child watch the video and and practice their sounds along with the therapist!

Practice the /sh/ sound!

Use this video to learn how to help your child learn the /sh/ sound. You can also let your child watch the video and and practice their sounds along with the therapist!

Practice the /k/ sound!

Practice your /k/ sound in the initial position of words! This video is also helpful in teaching parents to help their children master the /k/ sound!