Friday, March 13, 2020

MARCH 2020
Find the sound you are working on in this blog and practice it.  

Talk about the important dates in March (holidays, birthdays, etc.)

Talk about all the green items in a room.

Watch a favorite TV show and talk about it.

Sweep the kitchen floor. Use words like broom, dustpan, and dirt.

Make a cake and frost it with a special color of frosting.

Read a story, such as Little Red Riding Hood. Draw a picture of the main character.

Count all the clocks in the house.

Talk about bugs you see outside and where they live.

Find items in the basement or garage that are shaped like a triangle.

Name animals and make the sounds they a make.

Make a telephone call.

Organize the toy box.

Play a board game and talk about the rules

Trace hands and feet on paper. Decorate them with craft supplies.

Cut out pictures of fruit from a magazine and glue them onto a large piece of paper.

Hop down the hall or across the room. Count the number of hops.

Use a flashlight to search in a closet. Talk about what you find.

Color a picture and talk about the colors.

Look at a brush and comb. Talk about how they are the same and how they are different.

Touch things in the room and describe how they feel.

Practice saying nursery rhymes, pause and let your child fill in the rhyming word

Cut out pink and blue things from a magazine. Make a collage.

Sing along with a favorite song.

Look at a store advertisement and find different numbers.

Make a milkshake and talk about the different ingredients.

Think of a rhyming word for things you find around the house.

Go for a walk and look for white cars.

Make a spaceship from a cardboard box. Tell a story about space travel.

Pretend to be different storybook characters. Act like the characters.

Practice naming letters you see in a book or advertisement

Dance to music and talk about you actions.

Find the biggest and smallest stuffed animal in the house.

Look at a photograph and draw a picture of it.

Listen to the noises outside. Try to guess what they might be.

Look back at this month’s calendar. Talk about the important things              that happened.

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