Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween I Spy

Practice using good speech, language, describing and vocabulary skills while playing this cute I Spy game!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Copy and paste these links for videos of the sounds you are learning.

Practice your speech sounds at home!
Copy and paste the links below to access videos of a speech therapist practicing different sounds.  You can go to for worksheets for all the different sounds     Use this if you are practicing /s/ or /z/.     Use this if you are practicing /s/ blends such as "snow"              Use this if you are practicing /f/.           Use this if you are practicing the /k/ sound          Use this if you are practicing the /l/ sound

Friday, August 22, 2014

   SEPTEMBER  Child’s name:______________________


This month as you are doing these everyday activities involve your child as described below

Set the Table
Get Outside
Read together
Have your child help sort the laundry by color (let’s put all the red clothes in this pile and all the white in this pile, etc)
Use pronouns:  Mommy needs a cup.  I like the tall one.
Daddy needs a cup.  He likes the green one.
(she, he, you, I)
“Let’s go outside and find something you think is beautiful”  Ask your child why they think it is beautiful.
Using the book sent home from school, or your child’s favorite book do a picture walk and name all the pictures for your child then have them point to the picture you name.
Have your child help sort the laundry by category  (let’s put all the socks in this pile, all the shirts in this pile, etc)
Work on counting:
We need 4 plates, count them as you put them around the table.
Get outside and find 2 things that are hard.  Knock on it, use the word “hard” as you talk about the item.
Using the pictures in a book, ask questions like, “what goes with  a toothbrush”?  “what goes with a sock”
Have your child help sort the laundry by size (let’s put all mommy’s big socks in this pile and all your little socks in this pile etc)
Talk about what you do with each item.
What do you do with a cup?
Which thing do we use to cut?
Get outside and find 2 things that are soft.  Use the word “soft” as you talk about the item.
Using the pictures in a book, ask questions like, “what does a cat do”? or “what do you do with a cup”?
As you put laundry away, ask “where” questions.  (where should I put the socks?  Use vocabulary words such as big dresser, closet, etc)
Follow directions:
Get all the forks and put them on the table.
Get 4 napkins and put them under everyone’s forks.
As you are outside, move in different ways and label how you are moving, “let’s march”, march, march march.”
“Let’s tiptoe”
Using the pictures in a book, ask questions like, “what is a cat? Is it an animal or a type of clothing”?  Can you name another animal?


Place a check in the boxes as you complete the task. Write any comments you want me to know about how the activity went with your child.

Thanks, and have fun!  Donna Schmelzer, Mandy Bour Speech therapists

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Practice Your child's Speech Sounds!

Activity: Speech Sound Bag
Sound bag:  Each week choose a new sound to focus on.  Fill a bag (like a pillow case) or a box with things that have that sound in them.  It is usually easier to start with the initial sound, since that is what kids hear first, but you can also include item that have the target sound at the middle or end.  As your child pulls things out of the bag (or box), you name them, putting a little more emphasis on the target sound.  
Here is how an interaction with the target /b/ might work.
(Child pulls out a ball)
Parent: "Ball, You found a ball." 
Parent: "You have a blue ball.  The blue ball bounces.  It is a big, blue ball.  Let's bounce the ball. Bounce, bounce, bounce."
Then you can take a turn pulling out an object.  All you are looking for is your child to make the target sound, not necessarily the whole word.  Get really excited when he or she does say the sound and even more excited if he or she says the whole word.

I would start with sounds that your child already knows and then progress to early sounds that he or she does not have yet.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Shamrock to go with March calendar

March speech and language activities 2020

MARCH    Child’s name:______________________

This month as you are doing these everyday activities involve your child as described below

Add movement to your speech sound practice
Add movement to your language concept teaching
Add movement to increase direction following skills
If your child is working on /S/ or /s/ blends such as “snake” and “stand”, try using a string or ribbon and shake or twirl it around as you make the /sss/ sound elongated then say the rest of the work.  Try this with the following words:  snack  stop  snake  smart  stick  skip  swing  step  snail  spot 
Practice UNDER and BEHIND
In the kitchen play Simon Says:
Simon says “go under the table”
Simon says “stand behind the chair”
Simon says “stand behind me”
Go under the table
Start with one step and keep adding a step.
Simon says touch your nose
Simon says touch your nose and touch your foot
Simon says touch your nose, touch your foot and jump 2 times
If they can’t get the 3 steps, go back to 1 step  and keep practicing until they can easily do all three
If your child is working on the /k/ or /g/ sounds, try doing sit ups as you practice this sound at the end of the word.  Start the word lying on your back and as you come up finish with the /k/ or /g/ sound.  Try this with the following words:   back  bike  pick  mike  make  bake  pack   bag  big  pig  peg  meg  wag
Practice UNDER and BEHIND
Cut out the shamrock above and play Simon says around the house.
Simon says “put the shamrock under the table”
Simon says “put the shamrock behind your back”
Simon says “put the shamrock behind the couch”
Start with one step and keep adding a step.
Simon says put the shamrock on your nose.
Simon says put the shamrock on your nose and put the shamrock on your foot
Simon says put the shamrock on your nose and put the shamrock on your foot and jump 3 times.
If they can’t get the 3 steps, go back to 1 step  and keep practicing until they can easily do all three
If your child is working on the /sh/ sound , try pretending to be a plane taking off or landing.  Start with the /sh/ sound (make sure the lips are puckered so it doesn’t sound like /s/) as you are crouched down and as you rise up continue making the /sh/ sound and finish with the rest of the word as you fly away.  Try this with the following words:  shape   she  shy  show  shoe  sheep  shine  shop  shed   
Practice IN FRONT and BESIDE
Simon says “stand beside me”
Simon says “stand in front of the chair”
Simon says “stand in front of me”
Simon says “stand beside the chair”
Start with one step and keep adding a step.
Simon says go under the table
Simon says go under the table and touch your nose
Simon says go under the table and touch your nose and say yippee!
If they can’t get the 3 steps, go back to 1 step  and keep practicing until they can easily do all three
If your child is working on the /ch/ sound, pretend to be a train as you walk around the room making the /ch/ sound.  Make the /ch/ /ch/ /ch/ sound several times and then try the following words:  cheap  cheek  chin  chop  chain  chick  chap  chore  cheese 
Practice IN FRONT and BESIDE
Cut out the shamrock above and play Simon says around the house.
Simon says “put the shamrock in front of the chair”
Simon says “put the shamrock in front of you
Simon says “put the shamrock in front of me”
Simon says put the shamrock beside the chair”
Simon says “put the shamrock beside your pillow”
Go for a walk and follow these directions:
Simon says clap your hands
Simon says clap your hands and stomp your feet
Simon says clap your hands and stomp your feet and sing a song!
Place a check in the boxes as you complete the task.
Thanks, and have fun! 

Friday, February 7, 2014

     FEBRUARY    Child’s name:______________________

This month as you are doing these everyday activities involve your child as described below



WORD GAMES you can play at home or in the car
The website address is :
Find the sound you are working on in speech and watch the video 
Stack candy hearts into a tower.  Count how high you can go before they fall
Ask your child to name as many things as possible that you see:
In the living room
In the car
In the bedroom
Out the car window
Things that are blue
Find a gross motor activity to do on the website (hint:  it has to do with balloons)
Valentine Hide and Seek
Hide a valentine.  Give clues, like “did you look behind a chair”, “did you look under a table”?  Allow your child to have a chance to hide the Valentine
Find these items in your house and ask your child what they do with each one:
Find a valentine activity on the website to play. 
Valentine Fishing Game
Tie 3 feet of string to a wooden spoon. Attach a magnet to the end of the string. Cut and laminate many different colored, and sized hearts from construction paper (not too big though). Attach a paper clip to each heart. Spread the heart shapes on the floor and let your child try to catch the hearts. Have them try to catch the red heart.. or the biggest heart. For a twist, label the hearts with letters or numbers. Ask the children to catch a specific heart, or ask them which heart they caught.
Association Game:
What goes with the following:
STEAL MY HEART FINE MOTOR GAME:  Find a fine motor activity on the website (hint:  it has to do with chopsticks and candy hearts)
Heart Card Match
Remove the heart card from a deck of old playing cards. Cut the cards in half so one number or letter is on each half. Ask the children to pick one card, then find it's other half.
Try to line up 4-5 items and play the “what is missing” game.  I like this game!!

Place a check in the boxes as you complete the task.
Thanks, and have fun! 

Basic Concepts: Where Is Cupid?

A fun, FREE printable game for working on basic concept language! Here's the link:

Gross Motor Balloon Bop

 This cute idea from The Weekend Homemaker has been popping up all over Pinterest, and I've been wanting to try it for a while now.  I thought it would be fun to make a heart shaped "paddle" and try it out for V-day.   I just laminated a sheet of red paper, cut it into a heart shape and stapled it to a craft stick (taping over the back staples with electrical tape so no one gets poked).  It was kind of floppy though, so I also taped a wooden skewer to the back, and it worked out great! Say your speech sound each time you hit the balloon with a paddle!

Steal My Heart Fine Motor Game

This game is lots of fun! You will need candy conversation hearts and chopsticks. Who says you can't play with your food! Follow the link below.

S Blend Practice