Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Practice Your child's Speech Sounds!

Activity: Speech Sound Bag
Sound bag:  Each week choose a new sound to focus on.  Fill a bag (like a pillow case) or a box with things that have that sound in them.  It is usually easier to start with the initial sound, since that is what kids hear first, but you can also include item that have the target sound at the middle or end.  As your child pulls things out of the bag (or box), you name them, putting a little more emphasis on the target sound.  
Here is how an interaction with the target /b/ might work.
(Child pulls out a ball)
Parent: "Ball, You found a ball." 
Parent: "You have a blue ball.  The blue ball bounces.  It is a big, blue ball.  Let's bounce the ball. Bounce, bounce, bounce."
Then you can take a turn pulling out an object.  All you are looking for is your child to make the target sound, not necessarily the whole word.  Get really excited when he or she does say the sound and even more excited if he or she says the whole word.

I would start with sounds that your child already knows and then progress to early sounds that he or she does not have yet.

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