Friday, August 22, 2014

   SEPTEMBER  Child’s name:______________________


This month as you are doing these everyday activities involve your child as described below

Set the Table
Get Outside
Read together
Have your child help sort the laundry by color (let’s put all the red clothes in this pile and all the white in this pile, etc)
Use pronouns:  Mommy needs a cup.  I like the tall one.
Daddy needs a cup.  He likes the green one.
(she, he, you, I)
“Let’s go outside and find something you think is beautiful”  Ask your child why they think it is beautiful.
Using the book sent home from school, or your child’s favorite book do a picture walk and name all the pictures for your child then have them point to the picture you name.
Have your child help sort the laundry by category  (let’s put all the socks in this pile, all the shirts in this pile, etc)
Work on counting:
We need 4 plates, count them as you put them around the table.
Get outside and find 2 things that are hard.  Knock on it, use the word “hard” as you talk about the item.
Using the pictures in a book, ask questions like, “what goes with  a toothbrush”?  “what goes with a sock”
Have your child help sort the laundry by size (let’s put all mommy’s big socks in this pile and all your little socks in this pile etc)
Talk about what you do with each item.
What do you do with a cup?
Which thing do we use to cut?
Get outside and find 2 things that are soft.  Use the word “soft” as you talk about the item.
Using the pictures in a book, ask questions like, “what does a cat do”? or “what do you do with a cup”?
As you put laundry away, ask “where” questions.  (where should I put the socks?  Use vocabulary words such as big dresser, closet, etc)
Follow directions:
Get all the forks and put them on the table.
Get 4 napkins and put them under everyone’s forks.
As you are outside, move in different ways and label how you are moving, “let’s march”, march, march march.”
“Let’s tiptoe”
Using the pictures in a book, ask questions like, “what is a cat? Is it an animal or a type of clothing”?  Can you name another animal?


Place a check in the boxes as you complete the task. Write any comments you want me to know about how the activity went with your child.

Thanks, and have fun!  Donna Schmelzer, Mandy Bour Speech therapists

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