Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Copy and paste these links for videos of the sounds you are learning.

Practice your speech sounds at home!
Copy and paste the links below to access videos of a speech therapist practicing different sounds.  You can go to mommyspeechtherapy.com for worksheets for all the different sounds

https://youtu.be/kTAtVWsvhNA     Use this if you are practicing /s/ or /z/. 

https://youtu.be/AZCfBnH_GGY     Use this if you are practicing /s/ blends such as "snow"

https://youtu.be/9xAoIxsyj38              Use this if you are practicing /f/.

https://youtu.be/megGv7jH0a0           Use this if you are practicing the /k/ sound

https://youtu.be/9-K3nLUThBE          Use this if you are practicing the /l/ sound

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